Laura Moore

PhD student & NSF GRFP Fellow at Colorado State University researching the microbial role in carbon sequestration.

Lover of all things outdoors and my dogs.

soil science

Exploring the latest research and developments in soil science. This section analyzes current studies and cutting-edge techniques in soil management, carbon storage, and innovative agricultural practices aimed at enhancing ecological resilience.


From hiking and backpacking to world travel, gain insights on how to venture outdoors affordably & sustainably. This section provides essential tips and experiences to empower you to maximize your adventures in the most cost-effective and meaningful ways.


Discover the rewarding world of gardening, where there’s always more to learn and room to grow. This section offers practical techniques and tips for gardeners at every level, emphasizing the joy of experimenting with your garden.


A curated collection of my photographs as I attempt to capture the beauty of the world around me.
Laura Moore PhD


Meet Laura Moore

As a dedicated PhD student studying soil microbiology and biogeochemistry at Colorado State University, my research aims to explore how microbial communities contribute to soil carbon sequestration. Utilizing advanced bioinformatics tools and multi-omics approaches, I focus on identifying microbial traits and metabolic pathways related to carbon dynamics under regenerative agricultural practices. Overall, my goal is to provide actionable insights for sustainable land management and climate change mitigation, reflecting my profound passion for environmental stewardship.

Laura Moore PhD